KS1 had great fun making their vegetable boats, using the skills that they have been developing over the last few weeks to turn their creative designs into life.
On Thursday the Pupil Parliament had set up polling stations to replicate a real life one. After listening to the manifestos of each party they then voted for which one they felt would do the best for our country.
This week KS1 have been busy learning how to peel and grate carrots safely for our DT project. The children really enjoyed the experience. Linking to this in our Science lesson we looked at sorting fruits and vegetables by the parts of the plants that we eat. We also managed to taste some different ones; lettuce, red cabbage, radish, celery and rhubarb. The children enjoyed tasting the different items and were able to discuss the different flavours and textures. Also in Science we finished our observational drawings of cress which had grown greatly over the last three weeks, we hope they all continue to grow well at home.
In our Year 1 maths groups they have been looking at different types of units of measure, Diamond were learning about money and Emerald were learning about capacity.
We started this week off with our Sports Day, all the children took part in a carousel of activities in their houses. It was exciting to see the children working together to achieve. Well done everyone and extra well done for Air house winning in KS1!
We have continued to practise our cutting skills but with peppers this time. The children had remembered how to cut carefully using the bridge method.
Finally in Science we set up an investigation where we are trying to grow beans in the classroom.
This week we have begun working on our cutting skills during snack time in preparation for our next Design Technology unit in a few weeks time. The children have all learnt how to use the bridge technique when cutting cucumbers. In English we have been creating our own zigzag book on the lifecycle of a penguin. They all worked really hard and looked amazing.
It has been lovely being back with the warmer weather this week. KS1 children have dived straight back into their learning starting the new topics in Science, Geography, Computing and English. Also some of the classes were visited this week by Vinnie the well-being dog and his own, it was lovely having them in our classrooms.
We have begun looking at how seeds grow in Science and are following the growing process of cress seeds. In Geography we have been learning about the UK and looking at how far the Isle of Coll is compared to where we live in Brookmans Park. Within Computing the children have begun to explore Scratch Jr compared it with the BeeBots which we used before Easter. Finally we have been exploring a new book in English called The Emperor’s Egg.
KS1 has been finishing off their penguins which they made as part of our Science topic about Polar Animals. They looked amazing! We have also finished our moving picture topic with the children using their imagination to create a moving picture based on either the titanic, polar animals or Rapunzel. The children worked independently to complete these using a range of techniques which they had learnt over the half term.
This week we brought our History topic to a close with an online workshop with the SeaCity Museum in Southampton. The children took part in a range of games and discussed what they have learnt by looking at the various sources. We had a game playing morse code, true or false facts and listened to some true stories about people who were on the Titanic. It all ended with the children asking questions.
KS1 has been busy this week in English and Maths. In English we have been looking at an alternative version of Rapunzel. During Year 2 Maths the children have continued to develop their understanding of fractions recognising ½, ¼ and â…“ s. Year 1 has been working on doubling and grouping as well as direction.
In our Science lessons we have been working on our understanding of polar animals, creating clay penguins, which we will paint over the next few weeks. In History we looked at how more people could have been saved during the tragic incident of the Titanic. Finally the children have begun to design their own moving picture based upon the different mechanisms we have worked on over the last few weeks.
This week KS1 planted seeds for selling at village day, courgettes, dwarf beans and runner beans. We are now looking after them in our classrooms.
This week we have continued to look at the Titanic in History. We learnt about the 3 different classes of the Titanic. The children worked on looking at a range of sources to identify the different cabins, dining rooms, meal, plates and leisure activities available in each class.
In D&T the children looked at how levers are used within moving pictures. The children were given the opportunity to make a creature that had a moving part using a lever and pivot.
It’s been lovely to welcome back KS1 this week. The children have enjoyed being back at school and have really enjoyed finding out what our new topics for this half term will be. In Science we are looking at Animals and their habitats focusing on the Arctic and Antarctic animals, History we will be studying the Titanic and DT we are exploring moving pictures.
We were also lucky enough to have an author visit us, Joanna Gutkin who wrote the story and her 9 year old daughter Maya who illustrated the story. They shared their book The Elephant and the Goldfish with the whole school during assembly and then spent time working with Year 1 and 2 on developing characters for their own stories. It has even inspired some of them to create their own books.