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At Brookmans Park School we intend to provide pupils with a high-quality education in English that will teach pupils to speak confidently and articulately; to read fluently in order to access all future learning and to write coherently and clearly so that they can communicate their ideas effectively using a wide range of vocabulary.


We teach these skills through a well-planned, progressive English curriculum and through the wider curriculum areas.  Our English lessons are based upon our termly topics to ensure a high level of engagement and a greater acquisition of knowledge through an inter-disciplinary approach.



We recognise that success in reading can be hugely influential on a child’s future success, both academically and in the wider world. Through immersion in high quality texts, we aim for all children be inspired to read widely and fluently and to develop a love of reading for pleasure, as well as equipping them with the critical skills to analyse a variety of texts. We wish them to understand that reading is a key tool for learning, both about the real world in which they live, and imaginary worlds that others have created.  Through reading, we want our children to develop their own rich and varied vocabulary and an understanding of the power that words can hold.


To support learning of reading and to generate a love of reading, we provide our children with a variety of well-planned opportunities:


  • High quality, topic-linked, real books as class texts to teach reading and writing skills
  • High quality and engaging book corners/displays in classrooms and corridors
  • Systematic, differentiated Read, Write, Inc phonics lessons four times a week in EYFS and KS1 (until fluently reading)
  • Teachers read high quality books to children each day
  • Children read for pleasure each day
  • Weekly guided reading sessions 
  • Participation in annual World Book Day and Library Challenge events
  • Annual inspirational author visits
  • Recommended reading lists for each Phase
  • Brookmans Bookworms – older children hearing younger children reading
  • Home Learning reading activities
  • Links with local library




We recognise the importance of cultivating a culture where children take pride in their writing and can write clearly and coherently, adapting their language and style for a range of audiences and purposes, using Standard English and accurate grammar where appropriate.  We also intend for pupils to leave school being able to use fluent, legible and speedy handwriting.


To support our children in learning how to write, we provide them with the following opportunities:


  • High quality shared/model writing lessons
  • Weekly handwriting practice and speed writing sessions
  • Rainbow writing – weekly time to write freely
  • Opportunities to publish writing in class books which are displayed in the library
  • Cross-curricular writing in other subjects
  • Opportunities to write for a real-life purpose, for example the school newsletter, the school website, letters to local counsellors, presentations to school governors



Speaking and Listening

We want our children to be confident in the arts of speaking and listening and to be able to use discussion to develop their learning as well as to allow them to communicate articulately and effectively in the wider world.


To support our children in learning how to speak and listen, we provide them with the following opportunities:


  • Speaking and listening activities in all lessons – collaborative tasks, partner talk, peer cooperative reviews, class discussions and debates
  • Drama performances to audiences in each Phase
  • Speaking in whole school assemblies
  • Reciting poetry
  • Presenting persuasively for roles such as House Captains and Pupil Parliament members
  • Leading school tours to prospective parents/staff
  • Interviewing prospective new staff


Phonics and Read Write Inc
