The school admits 45 pupils per year group and therefore some of the classes include two year groups.
The building features bright, stimulating classrooms as well as several quiet areas for small group study. All of our classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and visualisers which are used to promote the quality of learning. There is a large hall which includes a stage; this space is used for assemblies, indoor PE lessons, performances and as an additional space to eat lunch.
We have a nursery within the school which accommodates 30 children. We also provide wrap around care options for pupils before and after school and extended hours in the nursery.
The school is fortunate to have beautiful grounds which enhance the learning of our pupils. We have a large playing field, an all-weather play area, a garden area, a woody corner and two playgrounds. There are trim trails to enhance physical activity; quiet areas to sit and gazebos that provide shaded space. Our foundation stage classrooms also have newly updated dedicated outdoor spaces to allow children to learn both inside and out.
'I am happy with the school, and I think that the staff are exceptional!'
'I am delighted with the school, the teaching and the support that my children get.'
'We are really happy with the recent changes. Our children are making great progress and we are really happy.'
'All three of our children are happy at this school. We have been very supported by the Senior Leadership team, as well as the rest of the school staff.'
'As a family we are really happy with school life. We feel that our son has come on both academically and socially, thank you!'
We love our school because: