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Little Gems (Nursery)

Children in Need


Today is 'Children in Need'! In Nursery we discussed what this meant and how we have come to school in our own clothes.

We learnt about Pudsey bear and made our own Pudsey Bear pictures.




Children in Need

Road Safety


This week in Nursery we have been learning about the role of a Crossing Patrol and how to cross the road safely. Today we met a Road Safety Officer who told us a story about how travel safely in a car and wear a seatbelt. She also reminded us how to cross the road remembering the 4 magic words  - STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, THINK!


We then dressed in florescent jackets and practised crossing the road safely outside the school gates. All the children remembered to STOP, LOOK, LISTEN AND THINK!

The children were then given certificates for crossing the road safely.

Superhero Week 


Our topic for the next half term will be 'People who help us'. We will having visits from the firefighters, Police officers and Paramedics. 

To start off our half term we have decided to have a 'Superhero week' the children can come back to school on Monday 2nd November dressed up as a superhero.

The children had great fun celebrating all things spooky for our Halloween Day. They all looked fantastic in their costumes. We decorated biscuits with orange icing, google eyes, teeth and lips and strawberry laces for hair. The children enjoyed eating their creations. We had fun doing Halloween dances and singing songs. Some children loved painting the pumpkin.


This week we have been focusing our activities on Halloween.

The children have helped us carve a pumpkin, count spooky pictures, find spooky pictures in our spaghetti tuff spot and we had a Halloween disco. 


It was a fantastic end to a brilliant first half term in Nursery. 


Welcome to Nursery 

