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Autumn Term

This week KS1 were extremely busy performing their Nativity play - to both the school and their parents. We hope everyone enjoyed the amazing performance and we were very proud of each and everyone of them. 


The children have been working very hard in our whole class English lessons. We have been using the book Harvey Slumfenburger’s Christmas Present as a stimulus for each of the lessons. We began by making predictions from a selected picture from the book. We internalised the story, role playing the different events that occurred during the book and wrote letters to Father Christmas, as if we were the character Harvey.


Finally, we made our own predictions as to what was actually inside the present Father Christmas left. 

To finish the week, we all took part in the house speed stacking competition. The children learnt how to stack the cups in a 3 tower. They then competed in a relay of speed stacking within their houses. It was great to see the children developing their new skills; they all had great fun taking part and supporting their friends. 


KS1 has been continuing to explore how our homes have changed over the years. This week we focussed on music and how differently people listened to music in the past, compared to today. We were lucky enough to be provided a wide range of resources to support our learning - from record and tape players to mobile phones and smart speakers. The children loved investigating how things worked.


Our Maths understanding has continued to develop.  Year 1 have been exploring shape and fractions, while Year 2 were looking at developing their understanding of difference within subtraction.


Our Nativity play is progressing, the children are really working hard to learn their lines, songs and dances; we look forward to showing you all in a few weeks time. 

It has been a very busy week this week in KS1. We have continued with our learning in Science about trees. We have been looking at the different types of trees we find in our area, focusing our learning on deciduous and evergreen trees. Each class has walked around our school environment looking for the different types and identifying the differences between them.


In Year 2 Maths we have worked on comparing strategies to subtract within 20. Thinking about whether it is easier to take away through the 10 or from the 10. In English we have continued to read more of the book Beegu with the children writing goodbye letters to her and role playing and writing a short scene of a play where she is found by her parents.


On Friday we were lucky enough be have to chance to partake in a lesson on round net. It was a game that tested our partnerships, co-ordination and catching skills. We thoroughly enjoyed learning how to play.

This week we have been looking into the past particularly at how television has changed since the 1980’s. In Science we matched pictures to the different ways that seeds disperse.  During our Year 2 maths lessons we have continued to develop our understanding of adding and subtracting numbers using our tens frames to support us. In Year 1 they have been looking at comparing numbers.  Within English we have been working as a group to produce list poems and writing diary entries as if we are the character Beegu.


On Friday the children were able to wear their own clothes for Children in Need and chose outfits that made them happy or expressed their personality. Thank you for your kind donations towards the charity.  

This week in KS1 we have been very busy in our learning. In Science we have been exploring trees and recognising the different types of trees, leaves and seeds. The children worked really hard completing observational drawings of them. During Maths lessons the Year 1 children have been working on understanding mass and how things weigh different amounts. Year 2 children have been working on developing their addition strategies to help improve the speed of their calculations.


As part of English we have been thinking about developing a friend for Beegu and the different characteristics that they would need, finishing with writing our own character descriptions for them.


This week the children have been busy creating poppies as we look to celebrating Remembrance Day over the weekend.  The school will be recognising this on Monday by having an assembly and a 2 minute silence.


To finish our week we had some very kind parents who came into share their traditions with the children for celebrating Diwali as both a Sikh and Hindu. The children enjoyed listening to how their families come together to celebrate the return of some very important figures in their religions. We created our own rangoli patterns to celebrate, make sure that you look in our windows to see our amazing patterns.

Welcome back to KS1! It's been a very busy first week back.

In Science we all went out to complete a tree study identifying how it shows the signs of Autumn.

We have begun our new History topic looking at how our homes are now and what they would have been like in the past. 

Finally in Maths, Year 1 have been looking at comparing height and length, Year 2 have been developing their number bonds to 100 and in English we have been working on our role play to help us understand the character better in our book Beegu. 

It has been a very busy half term in KS1! The children have thoroughly enjoyed all their learning with some of the highlights being; mapping the road safety measures outside the school, using our senses to guess the items and participating in the house cross country!

We wish you all a enjoyable and restful half term. 

In KS1 we celebrated World Mental Health Day on Tuesday this week. We had an afternoon where the children we able to take part in a range of mindful activities, yoga, colouring, Lego and building jigsaws to allow them a break from our normal Tuesday lessons.


Some of the children also went for a walk to complete their maps in Geography, showing the safety measures that are in place around the school to keep us all safe crossing the roads around the area.


Some of the Year 1 children were working on developing their number bonds to 10 during their Maths lessons this week. In PSHE we were thinking about bullying and what we can do to help other people who find themselves in this situation. The children created their own informative posters to remind us what to do.


Finally, the children have been working on developing our gymnastic routines using a series of movements, rolls, balances and gestures, we are looking forward to their final performances next lesson.  

It has been another busy week in KS1. We have been continuing our work on studying our local area, using our mapping skills to identify where road safety markings are. We also looked at our skeleton and thought about the different functions it provides our bodies. Within computing we are looking at logging into the Chromebooks and developing our mouse skills. However, the highlight of our week was the whole school cross country. Every child in KS1 took part, showing their athleticism, determination, perseverance and most importantly earning house points for their team. It was a fantastic event and everyone crossed the finish line with a smile on their faces.  

This week KS1 have been investigating using their senses. They were given a section of items which they had to use their 5 senses to identify what they were. The children thoroughly enjoyed the investigation and were very surprised by the items they tried to guess. We have also been looking at our friendships in PSHE and how we do have fall outs or disagreements but this does not mean that we are no longer friends. We also identify ways that we can make these situations occur infrequently by understand how our friends could be feeling and what to say to them.


We hope you have a lovely weekend and we are planning more exciting activities for next week. 

Another lovely week in KS1, we have been very busy working on our place value in maths thinking about the different ways we can use our whole part models and resources to make numbers.


In Geography we have been looking at the amount of traffic in the roads around the school at different times of the day. All the children took part in our research and drew charts to represent our data which we had collated from counting the number of cars parked around the school. 


We have also had a lovely time sharing our library books with our friends recommending our favourite parts and illustrations. 


This week in our Maths lessons we have been looking at place value. We have been using a range of different resources to help support our understanding of number and the number system.


During our Geography lessons this week we have been looking at our local area and the features that have been used to make us safe on the way to and from school, from the pictures you can see that we found lots of signs and road markings outside school so that we can all cross safely and drivers are aware that there may be children crossing. 


Hopefully everyone received their new homework books this week, the teachers can not wait to see which tasks you have completed next Friday.

It was lovely to see so many of you this morning at our meet the parents. Below is the Powerpoint for those who were unable to attend and for your reference. If you have any further questions please feel free to speak with one of us in Key Stage 1.

It has been lovely to have all the children coming back to school with such a positive and enthusiastic mind set. We will update this blog each week with information and photos of what we have been up to and what is coming up. Here are some photos from this week.
