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Week Beginning: 18th November 2019


We have had another fantastic week in Reception. We have learnt all about 'Firefighters' and what they do, how to keep safe in a fire and we have been looking at 3D shapes in Maths. 


We had a visit from the Hatfield Firefighters, where they spoke to us about how to keep safe if there was ever a fire. We got to go in their fire engine and even had a go at using their hose. 

We learnt that if there is a fire we must stay down low and crawl out of the building and they also spoke to us about how we should never play with matches or fire (see photos below).


In Maths, we went on a shape walk, completed a shape obstacle and made some models out of different 3D shapes. 


We have also started to practise our Christmas concert. All of the children have done so well with learning their lines and songs. We can not wait for you all to see it on the 12th and 13th of December. 


Next week: 

Topic: We will be looking at the role of a police officer. 

Maths: We will be learning about weight. 

Phonics: We will be continuing to learn our speed sounds, red words, green words and practising our segmenting and blending or words. 



Friday 29th November is an occasional day. 




Week beginning: 11th November 2019


This week we have been talking about 'Real life superheros'.

We have started this topic by looking at what paramedics do. We were even lucky enough to have some visit us. 



Week beginning: 4th November 2019


The children have all had a great week back to school after half term. 

We were very impressed with all of their Superhero costumes and we had an enjoyable superhero day. 


We even carried out a 'Superhero Training Camp'. 



Week Beginning: 14/10/19


This week we have been busy learning some songs and dances ready for Harvest Festival. We have been thinking about where our food comes from and giving thanks to the farmers who help to grow and make our food.

We have also become explorers in Topic this week and the children have enjoyed going on their very own bear hunt! They had to walk through the long grass, cross a 'river', through some mud, a forest and a snowstorm, before finally finding the cave. In the cave was a Bear!!


Next Week: 


Literacy/Topic- We will be looking at 'The Gingerbread Man'. We will be baking our own Gingerbread people, delicious!


Maths- We will be using different prepositions, such as behind, in front, next to and on top of.



Week Beginning: 07/10/19


This week has been another busy week for Reception, we had our walk to Gobions where the children collected lots of different materials. We then went on a walk to the village where we hung up our decorations. 

We would love for you to go and see just how lovely they look and we are sure that your children would enjoy showing you which ones are theirs. 


In topic and literacy the children have created some lovely story maps of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. They also enjoyed playing in the oats and re creating the story. 


Maths this week has been looking at tens frames and seeing if the children could match the given quantity. 


We would also like to thank you for the beautiful Family Collages that have been handed in over the week. The children have really enjoyed talking about their families and showing them off to their classmates. 


Next Week: 


Literacy/Topic- 'We are going on a bear hunt' We will be looking at and discussing the different settings of the story and linking this to geography. 


Maths- We will be looking at one more/one less than a given number


Phonics-  SH, R, J, V, Y 


Week beginning: 30/09/19


Another enjoyable week in Reception. We started our new topic of traditional tales and began with ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. As a class we created a story map to this story and then the children had a go at sequencing the story. 


In PSHE we spoke about ‘Stranger Danger’. We discussed who would be classed as ‘safer strangers’ e.g policeman or someone in a uniform. We also spoke about the dangers of speaking to strangers. 


In Maths this week, we looked at number recognition and matching this to quantity of objects. 


Next week:

Literacy/Topic- Goldilocks and the Three Bear story maps.


Phonics- e,l,,r



Tuesday-Walk to Gobions

Thursday- Clean Air Day (Wear Yellow)



Week Beginning: 23.09.19


This week in Reception we have been talking about 'Our Families'. 


In Literacy the children have been drawing pictures of the people that they live with, attempting to write family members names and painting family trees. 

We spoke about what our parents do for jobs, how every family is different and Miss Burrett and Mr Peacefull shared their family collages with the class. The children all seemed very excited to share their own with the class. 


In Maths the children have been taking part in a number hunt around the garden, and digging for numbers in the sand. We have been practising counting to 10 and beyond and counting different objects to represent each number.


Next week: 30/09/19


Topic- We will be starting our Traditional Tales topic, we will be starting with 'The Little Red Riding Hood' and we will be doing our own story maps and sequencing the story. 

Maths- We will continue counting to 10, focusing on recognising the different numbers.

Phonics- C,K,U,B,F



Your child's first piece of homework is to create their own 'All about me collage/book'. These are to be brought into school by Friday 11th October. 

Week Beginning: 16/09/19


We have had a great first full week in Reception! We have been so busy this week, we have had our first PE lesson, run our daily mile and our first music session. The children all loved running their daily mile together and were so excited to see how many laps they could complete around the field.

Reception all had great fun joining in with our 'dough disco'- moving their playdough to the music to practise our fine motor skills and hand strengthening exercises.


Next week

Phonics: We will be focusing on the sounds, I, N, P, G, O

Topic/Literacy: Drawing pictures of our families and talking about who is important to us

Maths: We will be enjoying a range of counting activities.


Reminders: Thursday  26th September is Individual Photo Day

Week Beginning: 09/09/19


The Children have all been amazing during their first week of school and we have all really enjoyed getting to know your children.

They have been busy settling in to their new environment and we are so impressed with everyone. An extra well done to the children who are new to our school!

We even went over to Assembly this week and all of the children sat beautifully. We were very proud of the children that completed the reading challenge over the summer and we loved watching them get their certificates and medals on stage. 


Next week

Phonics: We will be recapping our M,A,S,D,T sounds.

Topic/Literacy: Our topics this term are 'All About Me' and 'Traditional Tales' .

This week we will be practising writing our names and talking about things that we like and dislike. 

Maths: We will be looking at shapes and will be making our own shape collages and going on a shape hunt. 


Reminders: Every Tuesday is PE, please send your child in in their PE Kits. 


Welcome to Reception 2019-2020

Mr Peacefull- Aquamarine

Miss Burrett and Mrs Luck-Amethyst 

