8.45 am – 11.45 am
Nursery extended hours - 11.45 am – 1.15 or 3.15 pm
Reception, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2
8.45 am – 3.15 pm
The school gates are opened each day at 8.40am.
Learning starts at 8.45am so it is important that all children are in their classrooms before this time.
The morning register is taken at 8.55 am and the gates are locked at this time.
Nursery and Reception
All of our Early Years children must be dropped at their classroom doors by an adult.
Key Stage 1
All of our Key Stage 1 children need to be dropped at the Key Stage 1 door by an adult. They will be greeted by a Teaching Assistant who will record any important messages that need to be passed on to a teacher.
We ask that teachers are not disturbed at this time as they are busy ensuring that all the children are settled, happy and ready for a day of learning.
Key Stage 2
Key stage 2 children may enter their classrooms on their own by 8.40 am ready to start learning at 8.45 am.
If for any reason the regular person is unable to collect your child, we need to be notified who will be doing so. This is obviously for security purposes.
Nursery/Reception/Key Stage 1/Year 3 & 4
Children will leave from their classroom door but will not be allowed to go until they have identified their parent/carer to their teacher. If for any unforeseen circumstance no one appears to collect an infant child from their class, the child will remain in the school library until arrangements for safe collection have been made.
Year 5 & 6
Year 5 and 6 children may leave the school independently by their classroom door if parents give permission. They must come back into the school reception area if their parent/carer does not collect them as previously arranged. The child will remain in the school library until arrangements for safe collection have been made.
The school has a legal obligation to monitor the frequency and type of absence (authorised, unauthorised or approved educational activity), and the punctuality of the children. If a child is absent, a written note of explanation is required. It is up to the school to decide how this absence is categorised. Parents should notify the school by telephone on the first day of absence before 10 am.
If you are aware that time needs to be taken off, for example a piano exam, dentist, doctor or a hospital appointment then a note requesting time off is expected beforehand and we do ask, if possible, that these appointments are made out of school time.
Please also refer to the Attendance Policy.
Late Arrivals
At 8.55am for security purposes, all entrance doors are closed. If children arrive after 8.55am they will have to enter the school through the main entrance and report to the school office. Their attendance will be marked as late if they arrive after 9.00am.
We have a school travel plan which aims to encourage children and parents to walk, cycle or scoot to school. This is good for children’s health and wellbeing and helps to decrease congestion and pollutants around the school roads.
Additional Car Parking Arrangements- The United Reformed Church, Brookmans Park
Permission has been given to parents to park their cars from 8.30 am – 9.15 am in the church car park and from 3.00 pm – 3.45 pm so that parents can walk the remainder of the way with their children. This helps to relieve the congestion on the roads surrounding the school
Cycling and riding to School
Year 5 and 6 children are allowed to cycle to school on their own if they have passed their cycling proficiency test (proof may be required). Alternatively, children may cycle or scooter to school as long as they are accompanied by an adult. Children must wear a helmet when cycling and to be seen cycling safely. They must dismount from their bicycles or scooters when they reach the main gate and park their bicycles/scooters in the bicycle shed. All bicycles and scooters are left at the owner’s risk.
Safety in and around the School Grounds
Dogs are not to be brought into the school grounds; only assistance dogs are permitted.
The driveway is used by delivery vehicles, visitors and parents of disabled children and therefore it is essential that you and your child keep to the pathways as the driveway is a road.
Children, including pre-school children, are not allowed to ride bikes or mini-scooters in the school grounds.
We kindly ask that children do not use the play equipment /trim trails before or after school.
If you have to drive to school, we encourage all our drivers to follow our code to make the journey to and from school as safe as possible for our children and to respect the peace and property of surrounding residents:
We encourage our pupils to take great pride in their school and as expect every child to wear the correct, smart uniform. All items are available through the official school uniform stockists: Smarty Schoolwear in Potters Bar High Street or Smiths Schoolwear in Enfield or online. Many items can be purchased through normal chain stores. Where uniform such as trousers or skirts are brought from other suppliers, we ask that logos and decorations are avoided.
Please ensure that all clothing is adequately named – including shoes and socks!
Reception to Y6
In the Nursery, children wear a tracksuit, or leggings, displaying the school motif on the top. Children should wear black trainers, not school shoes or sandals. In the summer months children may wear grey shorts, with grey or black socks with a white polo shirt or a summer dress – light blue and white check with white socks.
PE kits must be warn to school on the days that children have PE lessons (teachers will communicate these days with you).
Other items –are all available from the school office:
We do not allow the children to wear jewellery, except for small plain studs in the ears; this is mainly for health and safety reasons.
Watches, if worn, should be of a sensible design. The school cannot take responsibility if they are mislaid or broken.
We follow the advice given by national organisations that ear studs and watches must be removed before P.E. If the child cannot remove their ear studs unaided and put them in again, parents must supply micropore to tape over them. Staff do not assist with the taking out or putting in of earrings.
Unless for a specific purpose, such as to pay for a school function, children should not bring money into school.
In Year 6, there may be special circumstances when you wish for your child to have a mobile phone. It is not appropriate for children to have access to them during the school day. Mobile phones are to be handed into the school office on arrival in the morning and collected at the end of the school day.
Cosmetics, tattoos and nail varnish are not permitted at any time.
Hair bands should be plain and hair tied back if longer than collar length and/or if covering eyes.
Our school meals are provided by Hertfordshire Catering. Children have a choice of four main meals: meat, vegetarian, jacket potato or a packed lunch made in the kitchen. All meals meet strict government nutritional standards.
Children may also bring a packed lunch from home which must adhere to the same nutritional requirements of our school dinners (as advised by government guidelines on the ‘Eatwell Plate’) We do not allow children to eat crisps, sweets, chocolate, nuts or drink fizzy drinks as part of their lunchtime meal.
For more information on school meals follow the link below:
Fresh fruit and vegetables are provided for KS1 children, which are eaten during morning and afternoon break times.
At KS2 the children are allowed to bring in fruit and a plain cracker only for their break time.
Milk is available for Nursery children free of charge and for Reception children until the term that they turn 5. It is available for all other children, for which a charge is made at the beginning of each term.
All children are asked to bring in a small named bottle of water with a retractable nozzle so that they have easy access to water during the day.
Due to the number of children who have an allergy to nuts, the school has decided that no products containing nuts will be served or permitted within school.
Listed below are the recommendations of the Hertfordshire Health Authority. This is only a guide, and it must be stressed that if you are in any doubt whatsoever, you must consult a doctor.
Diseases | Exclusion Period |
COVID-19 | Follow current Government guidance |
Chickenpox | Five days from onset of rash |
Conjunctivitis | None but seek medical advice for treatment. |
Diarrhoea and vomiting | Exclude until symptoms have stopped for at least 48 hours |
Head lice | No exclusion necessary but refer to pharmacy for advice on treatment. |
Impetigo | Until healed. (Seek medical advice) |
Measles | For 4 days after onset of rash. |
Mumps | For 5 days after onset of swelling. |
Ringworm (general) | No exclusion once appropriate treatment commenced by GP. |
Rubella (German measles) | For 6 days from the onset of rash |
Scarlet Fever | For 24 hours from commencing appropriate antibiotics. |
Threadworm | No exclusion time but treatment necessary. |
Verrucae (warts) | No exclusion necessary but keep lesions covered. |
Whooping cough | For 5 days from commencing appropriate antibiotics. |
Please do not send any child back to school if the minimum period of absence is up and they are not fully fit.
Sometimes children are fit to return to school after an absence for illness but still need to take medicine (see Medicine policy). If it is necessary for your child to take medicine at a particular time, a form, available from the school office, must be completed and given to the school office. Any medicine must be very clearly marked with the child’s name. If it is a complex matter please contact the school so that the issue can be discussed and the safest and best procedures can be put into effect. Children are not allowed to have medication on their person, including such items as throat lozenges, paracetamol, vapour rub and Olbas oil.
At Brookmans Park we want all our children to fulfil their potential and participate fully in school life. If any child has additional needs, we take the necessary steps to be fully inclusive so that the child is enabled to progress and flourish. We aim to identify children requiring Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision as early as possible and provide them with any additional support that they may require.
Our Inclusion Team, who do not have class teaching responsibilities, ensure that the additional needs of children with SEN are met. This includes co-ordinating support from outside agencies, advising colleagues and monitoring progress. The Inclusion Team can be contacted via the school office to provide any further information regarding the support of SEN in our school.
It goes without saying that a school succeeds best when parents and teaching staff work together. We have extremely good relations with parents and many come into school to help with various activities. We actively encourage this. If you are concerned about something that your child is doing, we strongly encourage you to talk to the teacher about it (preferably after school) or if necessary telephone the school. A request for an appointment, however, is always helpful as the teachers may be involved in other activities. If you wish to see the Headteacher, please contact the school office for an appointment. The Head will of course try to see any parent at any time if the matter is very urgent.
A regular newsletter is produced for all parents and other notifications are sent via Arbor. Our website contains information such as term dates and details of clubs etc. In addition to this, each class has its own Blog which is updated regularly with pictures and information about the learning the children are experiencing.
Home-learning is an important part of school life and we value the contribution that learning at home can make. Please see our home-learning policy for further details.
At Brookmans Park we believe that reading is the most important thing children can do at home. Parents play a key role in developing reading skills and a love of books. As well as hearing their child read, parents are encouraged to read aloud to their children at all stages of school – not just the infants. Our expectation is that all children will read every day. Parents are encouraged to talk about the books that their child is reading and to ask questions that will further their child’s understanding of the text. Further information about how to help your child is available on our website.
There is an active Parent/Teacher Association in the school which has done much to supplement the provision of equipment and materials over the years. It has supplied computers, laptops, iPads, visualisers, hi-fi equipment, playground refurbishment, stage lighting and a wide variety of musical instruments, games and reading materials. Without its help the School would be much the poorer.
The PTA committee organise several well-attended events including an annual Village Day Fete that involves not just the school but also the whole community. Other fund raising events are held at various times of the year. The events promote a cohesive community, as well as raising extra money.
We are always looking for new parents to help in any way, no matter how small. If you would like to find out more or volunteer your services, the school office will be able to give you the names and telephone numbers of PTA representatives who will be only too pleased to talk to you. You can find further information on our website. Every parent with a child at School is automatically a member of the PTA.
Child Protection (See Child Protection Policy)
The school works in partnership with parents to support children in every way possible. However, the Children’s Act places a clear responsibility on schools to ensure that they work together with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children. As a result, if concerns are raised within the school or a child or parent reports a situation involving possible abuse including neglect, we would not be able to guarantee confidentiality. This would have to be referred on to Social Services. This is in line with Government and Hertfordshire policies. All staff are expected to inform the designated teacher for child protection if they have any concerns. The school follows the Child Protection procedures established by the Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board - a guide to procedure and practice for all professional staff in Hertfordshire who work with children.
Criminal Record Checks
All staff employed at the school have a mandatory criminal record check (DBS) carried out before they commence employment. All others who work at the school and have regular contact with the children, i.e. parent volunteers etc. also have a DBS check.
The school has good relations with parents and problems can usually be dealt with quickly and satisfactorily.
There are various stages for the complaints procedure to pass through.
Charging Policy
Under the Education Reform Act 1996, schools may ask for voluntary contributions for school visits or extra curricular activities. The School has a charging policy, which is as follows:
The School considers educational visits to be an important part of the school curriculum. Providing parents continue to make voluntary contributions, there is no reason why these trips should not continue.
Snow/Emergency Closure
In the event of that the school needs to close due to snow or an unforeseen emergency a message will be sent to parents via Arbor.