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LKS2 (Years 3 and 4) 2024-25

The Explorer Dome


The children in years 3 and 4 have had an exceptional experience in the Explorer Dome, learning all about the formation and early life of planet Earth and how this continues to impact us today. We have learnt about the layers of the Earth and how the convection currents in the mantle cause the tectonic plates of the crust to move and shift, resulting in earthquakes and volcanoes. It has been a wonderful way to launch our topic, and the children engaged with and enjoyed the learning thoroughly. 

Year 3 Multi Sports at Monks Walk


Our Year 3 children spent a sunny afternoon at Monks Walk engaging in a variety of different sports such as handball and dodgeball. They all showed excellent teamwork skills and represented Brookmans Park School admirably.

LKS2 At Celtic Harmony


Years 3 and 4 spent a wonderful day in a pre-Roman village learning what life was like for our distant ancestors. We learnt about tool making and fire-lighting, had a go at hunting and gathering and made some soup, and we built dens suitable for up to two adults to stay out of the wind and rain. 


This was a lovely day to set up our learning about the Stone Age, which features in our History, English and Art lessons, and is linked closely to our Science topic as well. All the children participated beautifully, and gained a great understanding for what life was like in pre-history. 

LKS2 Summer Reading Challenge


A huge congratulations to the amazing 47 Year 3 & 4 children (not all pictured here) who completed the LKS2 Summer Reading Challenge. We are so proud of you! Keep reading!

LKS2 Summer Reading Challenge

Onyx class used dienes to create an animal.

They then had to work out the animal’s ’worth’ by counting the dienes.

They ranged from 103 to over 6000!

Number Animals
