At Brookmans Park Primary, we aim to ensure that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum and get to take a full part in all school activities.
Our Inclusion Team is made up of two Special Educational Need Co-ordinators that work together to support the school in providing a highly inclusive curriculum where all the needs of our children are met. This includes co-ordinating support from outside agencies, advising colleagues and monitoring progress. Alongside the team, we also have a specialist Mental Health Lead that supports the social, emotional and mental health of pupils.
The Inclusion Team aim to quickly identify children requiring Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision as early as possible and provide them with individualised, targeted support where needed.
The Inclusion Team can be contacted via the school office to provide any further information regarding the support of SEN in our school.
In addition to this, parents and carers are welcome to access the Hertfordshire Local Offer. Please click on the link below: