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Summer Term


It is with a mix of emotions that we say farewell to adults and children from our phase this year. Aston, William O and Summer are all moving on to new schools, and our loss is very much their gain with these wonderful children. 

Mrs Whichelow, Mrs Copsey, Mrs Lacorte and Ms O’Brien are also leaving Brookmans Park for pastures new. They have each contributed something rare and wonderful to our team over their time here. We have benefitted from their kindness, compassion, humour and hard work. They shall be missed dearly by us all, and we wish them every success in the future.

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Adverts for our Super Salad Cook Book


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Does this song sound familiar?

Mr Bassi and the Disclosing Tablet Experience

On Friday, LKS2 welcomed parent and dentist, Steve Bassi to school. Mr Bassi talked to us about the importance of good dental hygiene and then carried out workshops in each class. Those that wished to, chewed a disclosing tablet and we observed the results. It was extremely informative and lots of fun!

A huge thank you to Mr Bsssi for giving up his time to enable this enriching experience to take place.

Reading for pleasure in the sunshine ☀️

Salad Preparation - chopping skills

London to Paris Run - Brookmans Buddies 😃

Maths Superstars

We are extremely proud of SO many children achieving a green heatmap on Times Table Rockstars. Hard work certainly pays off laugh.

William's rugby great achievement - look out for William playing for England one day! We are so proud of you!

When Vinnie (and Mrs Thomas!) came to visit 🐕📖

Library Recommendations

Thank you to those of you who have sent us in your library book recommendations. If any other inspiring, fact or fiction, books spring to mind do let us know! 

Football Achievements

Freddie, Finn, William, Leo and George were so proud to share their FANTASTIC football trophy from a recent tour to Great Yarmouth. They were the worthy winners, winning 8 out of their 9 games! Here are their best bits:


'I loved being with everyone' (Leo)

'The moment when the ref blew the whistle and we realised we had WON!' (Freddie)

'Pleasure beach and all the rides' (William)

'The celebrations and singing!' (Finn)

'Lifting the trophy' (George)


Max was also proud to share his Cub Scouts Football Trophy which his dad also won in 1991 - how cool is that?


Please do continue to share your out of school achievements with us - we just LOVE celebrating them!

Sleepover Fun 😃

Birthday Joy

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We LOVED it! 😃

 Year 4 Sleepover

Friday 10th May 2024


We cannot begin to explain how incredibly proud we are of the children who stayed for the school sleepover. Many of these children had barriers to overcome but they showed their resilience and growth mindset to achieve something great whilst having lots of fun in the process! We hope the children can use this achievement to help them overcome challenges they may face in the future.


In addition to this, all the children developed their independence skills, ability to work as a team (especially when it came to rolling up sleeping bags!) and how to support each other in different situations. They were all wonderful and have made us very proud.


We would also like to thank you, the parents and carers, for supporting your child. We know that lots of preparation went into helping the children organise sleeping bags, roll up mats etc. 


A HUGE thank you must go to the fabulous Mrs Johnson for your superb organisation and for creating this long-lasting memory for our children! I think Juliet summed it up nicely when she said 'Can we do it all over again?' heart


Healthy Lifestyles

Today, we were surprised to learn how much sugar different food items contain. Did you know a can of energy drink can have 35g (yes, 35g!) of sugar, compared with the 24g daily recommendation for a 7-10 year old? We wonder what the dentist will have to say about this when he comes to visit us in a few week's time...


We did discuss everything in moderation of course. (We're not saying you're never allowed to enjoy a chocolate biscuit!)

Conscience Alley

As part of our English topic, and current book, (Leo and The Gorgon's Curse) today we explored Leo's character a bit deeper. Sent off on a dangerous mission, we had to decide what he might be thinking and portray this as a conscience alley. 


Here are some of the children's insightful reflections:


'I promised my parents I wouldn't hurt any mythical creatures, in any circumstances. I'm not the hero they think I am!' (Joel)


'I have learnt to protect mythical creatures but I want to be a hero. I wish they would understand. What do I do?' (Elsie)


'This is not me. I wish I had told the truth in the first place. What have I done? I regret this. I don't want to harm any mythical creatures but I need to prove myself. What would Anthea say? Leo, don't be scared, Leo don't be scared.' (Darcy)

The HFL Education Annual Year 4 Mathematics Challenge

On Monday 29th April, a determined group of Year 4s (Harry, George, Alfie, Leo, Ayla, Juliette, Freddie and Christian) took part in ‘The HFL Education Annual Year 4 Mathematics Challenge’.


This friendly, online, inter-school competition gave teams of Year 4 children the opportunity to apply their mathematics knowledge and teamwork skills to solve problems and answer challenging questions, putting their reasoning skills to the test.  


We are so proud of the School Values these students showed - particularly teamwork and resilience! laugh

Reenacting the Easter Story (In the SUNSHINE! 🌞)

Today, we embraced the warmer weather to take our RE learning outdoors! The children were asked to represent the Easter Story in a meaningful way to them and my goodness did they deliver. Which aspects of the Easter story can you see?

Summer Term PE
