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Spring Term

This week KS1 started their History topic on The Great Fire of London. They were lucky enough to have History off the Page come in and run a workshop for them. During the day the children were able to make crafts using a range of materials that related to things that were around in 1666. They got to experience how difficult it was to put out a fire at this time as they had to mainly use buckets. 


In the afternoon the children were provided with a range of resources and had to work out what type of person they were. They dug up artefacts from ruins, looked through bags of items that people had managed to escape the fires with and then read some deeds and diary entries from the people. The children had an amazing time and were thoroughly immersed in 1666.


Happy New Year KS1! 

It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school this week. The children have enjoyed being back in the classroom engaging with their friends as well as starting our new topics. 

As a phase we spent some time working on our shape knowledge which the children thoroughly enjoyed and showed fantastic understanding. The Year 2 children also started to learn about money.  Please can you practise counting coins and making totals using different coins.

Within our English and Science lessons this week the children enjoyed exploring the topic of Winter. They performed and wrote Winter poems as well as looking at how humans and animals adapt to the Winter weather.

