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Ethos & Values

Our School Values

Values are principles that guide behaviour and choices.  At Brookmans Park School, we collaboratively chose our school values.  We believe that our values empower individuals to be effective, life-long learners and good citizens. 









A well-planned programme of assemblies and events, which link to our values and the British Values, promote children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, enabling them to develop their own moral and ethical compass to guide what is right and what is wrong.


Our Values

We have five core school values, based upon Guy Claxton's Building Learning Power, that guide children's choices, behaviour and learning.  Connected to each value are three further corresponding values which have been chosen by our school community.


Our core values and corresponding, connected values are:


  • Relationships - respect, kindness and friendship
  • Resilience - self-belief, perseverance and determination
  • Reflectiveness - honesty, thoughtfulness and self-awareness
  • Resourcefulness - curiosity, inquisitiveness and using initiative
  • Risk Taking - ambition, positivity and bravery


Fundamental British Values

At Brookmans Park School, our values are a framework for living and learning. We equip our pupils with the necessary skills to be the best possible people they can be. Using the fundamental British values of: Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance; our pupils are prepared for life as citizens of the United Kingdom.


British Values at Brookmans Park
