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Summer Term

Welcome to our Early Years Blog!

We will upload lots of photos and videos each week for you to be able to see.

These will just be a snapshot of all the wonderful learning your children have been taking part in each week.


Key- All of Early Years



Yucky Worms- Wormeries- 19/4/24


Following on from our Worm Hunt- today Reception made their own Wormeries!


As part of this we made some instructions to follow before beginning to make the wormeries. Reception had to carefully pour in layers of soil and sand, before adding water, leaves a worm and then wrapping it all up with airholes! They were all very excited to take their wormeries home with them too.

Yucky Worms- Wormologists- 18/4/24


After reading our story fiction and non-fiction story 'Yucky Worms' we discussed the job of a Wormologist! Reception went on a worm hunt, finding the muddiest patches to find as many worms as possible. Whilst on our worm hunt we had a go at tricking the worms by watering the soil to find them! We found almost 70 worms in the end!

Early Years Visit from an Author- 18/4/24


This morning a local Author, Joanna Gutkin, and her daughter, Maya, (the illustrator of the book) came to visit our school. They begun the morning by reading us the story they had published together 'The Elephant and the Goldfish'. 


Then both Nursery and Reception took part in workshops during the morning. Nursery enjoyed creating a goldfish in a jar craft- creating their own fish characters like the character from the story!

Reception focused on rhyming words, finding different rhyming pairs from the story. They then got a masterclass from Maya of how to draw the elephant and the goldfish from the story. 


What a fun and inspiring morning!
